Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies

Herbal Remedies for Arthritis

White Willow is the herb of choice for most herbalists to provide pain relief from arthritis. It has both pain relieving and anti-inflammatory qualities, and no known negative side effects. White Willow is slower acting than prescription and over the counter pain relievers, but it's effects generally last longer.
Like White Willow, Boswellia also has anti-inflammatory qualities, and is an effective herbal remedy for arthritis. Unlike many pain relief medications, Boswellia does not cause ulceration or stomach irritation.

Cayenne is a herb more often associated with cooking than healing, but is also an effective, natural pain reliever. Cayenne's active ingredient, Capsaicin, is the source of the burning sensation people feel in topical Cayenne Creams.

Ginger and Devil's Claw are two more herbal remedies that possess anti-inflammatory qualities. In addition, Devil's Claw also works as an effective natural pain reliever.

Antibiotic Herbs

Garlic is one of the most powerful antibiotic herbs that you should always keep handy. It can be purchased in gelcap or liquid form for easy medicinal use, and fresh raw garlic can be used easily also. Garlic contains a natural compound known as Allicin, which is more powerful than standard Penicillin.

Garlic does an excellent job of fighting infections both inside and out. It can be taken orally to fight bacterial infections inside your body, such as a throat infection, ear infection, sinus infection, kidney infection, bladder infection, etc..

Garlic can be used as an external topical application as well. It does an excellent job of killing fungal infections like vaginal yeast infections, athletes foot, and oral thrush. Garlic is also an effective treatment against E. coli bacteria and staphylococcus .

Natural Remedies for Lowering Cholesterol

The best way to protect yourself from problems with your Cholesterol levels and any other heart related conditions, is through exercise and dietary changes.
Removing, or reducing the amount of simple starches and sugars in your diet can reduce potential plaque build up in your arteries. This can greatly reduce your chances of getting a blockage large enough to cause severe heart problems, or even a heart attack.
Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits is essential, because they can help to provide the extra vitamins and nutrients necessary to keep your heart healthy. Vitamins A, C and E are important for maintaining a healthy heart and circulatory system, as are calcium, potassium, magnesium, chromium and selenium. You can get these essential nutrients by taking herbal or vitamin supplements every day, along with making the right food choices.
There are a large variety of herbal remedies that can help to strengthen, tone and maintain your heart and circulatory system. These herbal remedies don't alter your cholesterol levels directly, instead, they work to enhance the overall health of your heart and your body. This, in turn, will help to normalize your cholesterol levels.

Herbal supplements that are naturally high in vitamins and nutrients are an excellent choice to use for a daily vitamin. Alfalfa is one such herb that is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, and it can help your body to digest and use other plant based foods and herbs more effectively.

Parsley is another herb that is rich in vitamins. It contains three times the amount of Vitamin C as citrus, and is also hogh in iron, calcium, potassium, magnessium and several other essential nutrients.

Kelp is rich in a variety of B vitamins, as well as magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron. Kelp can also help to regulate your thyroid, which provides the additional benefit of boosting your metabolism and energy levels. This will help you to lose weight, which is a high priority for helping to normalize your cholesterol levels.

Natural Diabetes Treatments

By making your pancreas healthy again, you can potentially solve the majority of diabetes problems. This will take time, and if you currently take insulin shots or pills, you will need to work closely with your doctor or primary care provider during the healing process, because your medications may need to be adjusted as your health improves.
The first way to start dealing with diabetes problems is to change how you eat. If you haven't done so already, you should eliminate simple carbohydrates and sugars from your diet. A low to moderate carb diet works well for regulating blood sugar levels, and many people have actually been able to completely go off insulin shots just by taking this one simple step.
The next natural step you'll want to consider, is using herbs designed to help heal and strengthen the pancreas. One effective combination includes Goldenseal, Juniper Berries, Uva Ursi, Huckleberry Leaves, Mullein, Comfrey, Yarrow, Garlic, Capsicum, Dandelion, Marshmallow, Buchu, Bistort and Licorice. You can just take one of each of these every day, but it will be easier if you find a local herbalist to mix a combination formula for you instead.
If you are borderline diabetic, or you want to experiment slowly with natural remedies for the problem, try taking just Goldenseal by itself. This is a natural source of insulin, and should not be taken by hypoglycemics. Again, diabetics should talk to their doctors about this if they're taking prescribed insulin, because the combination can be dangerous.

Natural Flu Remedies

The most effective strategy for protecting your body from the flu is building your immune system. Besides healthy eating habits, there are two simple ways to accomplish this - dietary supplements and herbal remedies. These two natural flu remedies can also help to provide relief from flu symptoms.

Boneset is an herbal remedy that was held in high regard by the Native Americans and early American colonists, who relied on it to alleviate flu symptoms. Many herbalists have re-discovered Boneset as an effective natural flu remedy. It also works as an expectorant, that helps break up mucus in the lungs.

Lemon balm and Goldenseal are also recommended by herbalists for fighting the flu and reducing the fever that accompanies the flu.

2 Garlic capsules, taken 3 times a day, can help boost your immune system during a prolonged bout with this viral infection.

You should also consider taking between 5,000 and 10,000 mg of vitamin C (divided into even doses throughout the day), along with some zinc lozenges as soon as you start to feel the onset of flu symptoms. Zinc is well known for strengthening and stimulating the immune system. Vitamin C will help provide the essential nutrients your body needs (especially in it's weakened state).

As always, be sure to consult your doctor before using herbal or nutritional supplements to avoid any potential conflicts with other medications. A professional herbalist can also help you to choose the most effective treatment options regarding herbal remedies.


Cleansing your colon

Cleansing your colon is an important part of good health. The average person holds around 8 meals worth of waste in their intestines. This is a large amount of waste to carry around and toxins will build up in your body by this means. When you cleanse your colon you will get rid of this waste and allow your body to be detoxified. This will improve your mental and physical health. Different methods to naturally cleanse your colonDiet: a healthy diet high in fiber and whole grain foods will help to make your digestion better. This in turn will cleanse your colon by moving your waste matter and preventing constipation. Fresh fruits and vegetables should also be included in your diet, as these have vitamins and minerals to help your whole body function well. It is essential to cut out junk food and refined foods for this diet to work. Natural herbs and medicines: are often used to cleanse your colon. Examples of these are garlic, senna, and fennel. You can also purchase a kit which will have a complete set of herbal medicines that you need. Use a detoxification diet to cleanse your colon before you use these herbal medicines. After a fasting detoxification diet always use foods that are natural probiotics, like onions, garlic and bananas.Cleanse your colon with hydrotherapy: This procedure should be done by an experienced therapist. It is done with low pressure water and cleanses your entire colon. This procedure will get rid of any hard stool that may have got trapped in it and eliminates all the toxins so they do not re-enter your blood stream.Elements that will help you to cleanse your colon are also beneficial to daily life.Water: this is one of the key fundamentals of life. To keep your digestion working well and your intestines clean you will need to drink plenty of water. Eight glasses of fluid is recommended for a person's regular intake.Fiber: again you will need as much fiber as you can eat. You get this from whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Do note, that your body doesn't benefit from synthetic fibers, so always go naturally.Goji juice: Has many anti toxins to equip your immune system that help to fight off free radicals.Detoxification diet to cleanse your colon: There are a number of different diets used for detoxifying your body and intestines. The easiest one is to fast and drink only water. This will eliminate all the impurities and toxins from your intestine and cleanse your colon. You can also take some probiotic supplements while on this diet. You can use fruit juices as well as water when you cleanse your colon.

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