Natural Ear, Nose and Throat Remedies

There are many powerful, all natural herbal antibiotics that are extremely effective for treating infections. Some work best for ear, nose and throat infections, and others can be used to treat almost any other type of infection. Some herbal antibiotics can even help to strengthen your immune system, which decreases the chances of getting sick in the first place 

One of the most effective antibiotic herbs is garlic. Garlic can be used to prevent infections and heal infections, and it is an anti-fungal herb as well. This means it can be used to treat yeast infections, and problems like athletes foot.

Garlic contains an ingredient called Allicin, and Allicin is considered to be as potent as 15 standard units of Penicillin. Garlic differs from prescription antibiotics, though, because it doesn't kill friendly flora in the body. As a result, after an infection has cleared up, you will remain healthier longer.

Don't take the odor free variety of garlic supplements, however, because the health benefits will be negligible. Allicin is actually the source of the odor in garlic, and if a garlic pill is odor free, then it is basically useless.

One of the most effective ways to prevent recurring ear, nose and throat infections while taking prescription antibiotics, is simply by eating whole, all natural yogurt. Real yogurt contains live bacteria, which is friendly to the body.

By eating live cultured yogurt, you're helping to supplement the flora your body needs to fight off the bacteria that causes infections. So infections will clear up quicker, and they won't reappear as quickly, if you eat yogurt while taking antibiotics.

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